Purifier Rebel Logic+ Biosafety Cabinets (BSCs) are designed specifically for use with Discover Echo’s Rebel microscope.
Labconco and Discover Echo Inc. have teamed up to create a revolutionary combination. Purifier Rebel Logic+ Biosafety Cabinets (BSCs) are designed specifically for use with Discover Echo’s Rebel microscope (not included). Rebel Logic+ BSCs have a unique cutout that allows the microscope stage to sit flush with the work surface of the BSC. This creates less strain on your arms and back while you examine samples. You can view the scope’s large tablet screen at eye level, without eyepieces or sash hole cutouts.
Purifier Rebel Logic+ Biosafety Cabinets (BSCs) are designed specifically for use with Discover Echo’s Rebel microscope.
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This video will explain how to safely operate your Labconco Logic+ or Axiom biological safety cabinet. Work in comfort and safety.
The Rebel Logic+ is a Class II, Type A2 biological safety cabinet designed specifically for Discover Echo's Revolve Microscope.
This flyer contains features, benefits and ordering information of the Purifier Rebel Logic+ Biosafety Cabinet and Rebel True-Ergo Table, designed for use with Discover Echo's Rebel Microscope. Microscope not included.
This white paper reviews the current technologies used by various biosafety cabinet manufacturers to monitor and maintain proper airflows as HEPA filters load.
Logic+ and Cell Logic+ A2 | B2 Biosafety Cabinets
Axiom C1 Biosafety Cabinets
PuriCare Procedure Stations