Labconco XPress speeds delivery of selected products to you. After receipt of order and upon request, products are shipped in 48 hours or less. Download the list of eligible products.
Additional items available for a limited time, contact your Labconco representative to request availability.
Protector Premier Laboratory Hood (4' or 6' nominal width)
Fiberglass 30 Laboratory Hood
Basic 47 Laboratory Hood
4' Protector XL Benchtop Laboratory Hood
6' Protector XL Benchtop Laboratory Hood
Select Base Cabinets and Base Stands
4’ Logic Biosafety Cabinet, 10” Sash with base stand
6’ Logic Biosafety Cabinet, 10” Sash with base stand
4’ Axiom Biosafety Cabinet, 10” Sash with base stand
6’ Axiom Biosafety Cabinet, 10” Sash with base stand
3’ XPert Filtered Balance System with Guardian Airflow Monitor
4’ XPert Filtered Balance System with Guardian Airflow Monitor
Select Base Cabinets and Base Stands
Precise Controlled Atmosphere Glove Box
Select Base Cabinets and Base Stands
FreeZone 2.5 Liter -50C Benchtop Freeze Dryer
FreeZone 2.5 Liter -84C Benchtop Freeze Dryer
FreeZone 4.5 Liter -50C Benchtop Freeze Dryer
8-Port Manifold
12-Port Drying Chamber
FlaskScrubber Undercounter Glassware Washer
SteamScrubber Undercounter Glassware Washer
ScrubAir Pipette Washer/Dryer
WaterPro BT Water Purification System
For more details and to check XPress inventory availability, please contact Labconco Customer Service.
Download a brochure of eligible products. Subject to availability. Quantities are limited.